Our Security-First Approach

We are a cyber security company with expertise in designing, implementing, and testing controls. This experience sets us apart from other organizations offering SOC 2 services. While they may have the credentials to offer SOC services, they may not have the expertise to help you draft the optimal technical controls for your environment.

We have a team of experts ready to walk you through the SOC 2 compliance process and assist you on establishing strong and effective controls that will work within your organization. Working with the experts at Aeris Secure will put you on the right path for SOC 2 compliance.

Image Intro

Why You Need a SOC 2 Audit?

As a service organization, your customers, clients, or partners may want detailed information and assurance about the security controls in place within your organization.

As part of their due diligence process they may request a SOC 2 audit report. Clients might also request a SOC 2 audit report if they worry that their data is at risk of a compromise or data breach. Regardless, SOC 2 compliance affirms the security of your services and gives your organization the ability to provide clients with evidence, from an independent auditor, that your internal security controls are in place and operating effectively.

What Our Clients Say

We learned an incredible amount from Aeris, and we are a stronger and more secure company as a result. Aeris went above and beyond what we ever could have expected in helping us understand what needed to be done.

Author Robert President of Sandvik Publishing

What is a SOC 2 Audit?

A SOC 2 audit provides your customers with valuable information for decision-making about your organization’s cybersecurity risk management program. It gives your customers confidence and peace of mind when they utilize your services. The SOC 2 audit addresses risk concerns by evaluating internal controls and determining if they are compliant with the 5 Trust Service Criteria:

  • Security: The system is protected against unauthorized, physical and logical, access.
  • Availability: The system is available for operation and use as agreed upon.
  • Processing Integrity: System processing is complete, accurate, timely, and authorized.
  • Confidentiality: Confidential information is protected in accordance with entity’s objectives.
  • Privacy: Personal information is collected, used, retained, disclosed, and destroyed in accordance with the entity’s privacy notice and criteria set forth by the AICPA.

SOC 2 audit reports can address one or more of the above Trust Factors. You select the criteria that are relevant to the services you provide to your customers.

Types of SOC 2 Audits

A SOC 2-certified service organization is appropriate for businesses whose regulators, auditors, compliance officers, business partners, and executives require documented standards. There are two types of SOC 2 Audits:

SOC 2 Type 1 Audit

Your Aeris Secure expert assesses the design and suitability of your organization’s controls, and whether those controls were operational at a specific moment in time. We ensure controls are established and confirm they meet your Trust Service Criteria. The goal/benefit provides assurance that controls and security practices have been established that will properly protect the system and information.

SOC 2 Type 2 Audit

Your independent auditor assesses the operating effectiveness of your controls over a specified period of time. For this more rigorous designation, systems are typically evaluated over a 12 month period, but may be as short as 3 months. We ensure that controls continue to be maintained and are operating effectively. The goal/benefit shows the maturity of your organization and the ability to maintain a secure operation over time.

Ready to get started?

Be proactive in your information security and compliance efforts. Speak to one of our experts today.

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